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City of light in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2020-10-21Updated:2020-10-21
Similar words: ray of lightquality of lifecity of londonbeam of lightspeed of lightshaft of lightbolt of lightningfestival of lightsMeaning: n. the capital and largest city of France; and international center of culture and commerce. 
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1. Many travel experts branded the City of Lights a dim bulb in their forecasts for 1996.
2. City of Darkness, City of Light is a notable achievement of historical fiction, though not a flawless one.
3. The City of Light is the apex of architectural beauty, artistic expression, and culinary delight.
4. The discovery of the City of Light and the experience of making it your own is and always has been the most compelling reason to visit.
5. It is like a graceful city of light, in the process of development of Shanghai.
6. Paris[], the city of light and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas.
7. The aforementioned ‘City of Light’ is the sort of fantastical vision that you'd expect from this team, packed with strange creatures and physical impossibilities.
8. The City of Light is the apex of architectural beauty, artistic expression, and culinary delight, and it knows it.
9. With a sly, knowing wink, the City of Light steals your heart with one clear, small, joyous moment after another.
10. Paris, City of Light, and of art. A playland for lovers and a painter's dream.
11. At least, it doesn't have one that has stuck in the way that, say, the "Big Apple" has to New York, the "City of Light" to Paris or the "Windy City" to Chicago.
12. McAdams describes as "a love letter" to the City of Light.
13. Paris may be the City of Light, but the city of lights is the gambling oasis of Las Vegas, in the western state of Nevada.
14. Angry farmers drove 1,100 tractors through City of Light last week.
15. Located five floors above the Place de la Concorde, the suite's two 100-square-meter balconies offer jaw-dropping views of the City of Light and the Eiffel Tower.
16. How can "random" and casual work for one of the great establishment names of the City of Light?
17. In fact, it has become the most recognizable symbol of the City of Light.
18. This was an interesting case of being very satisfied with my recreation of a dish that captivated me; it lets me revisit the City of Light with each bite.
More similar words: ray of lightquality of lifecity of londonbeam of lightspeed of lightshaft of lightbolt of lightningfestival of lightsvelocity of moneyin the capacity ofelasticity of supplyelasticity of demandflightflightyin flightin-flightflightedtopflighttop-flighthalf-lightpreflightincome elasticity of demandoverflightflight lineflight pathflight deckflight riskflightlesstake flightflight route
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